Okay I know the picture doesn't fit the scene out our windows, but who could resist such a happy face plus something to look forward to, beaches, sun and swimming, he he he! I don't have any christmas pictures because my mom took all the pics with her camera! Did a lot of traveling around this christmas holiday, five days at my parents, two days with the Clarks and three days with Trish. It was fun to be with family and see everyone but Kimberly said it so well when we were at Trisha's, " mommy can I sleep in my own bed now". Sooooo Cute!!! The christmas season came and went so fast it seems this year, but it is always nice to have a speacial time each year to talk and teach about the Savior, Jesus Christ. I am always greatful for the extra warmth that spirit brings into our homes and hearts each Christmas season. I am so grateful for the Savior my elder brother who choose to come to the earth and lay down his life so I can return to live with my family and Heavenly Father again. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends", St. John 15:13. A scripture for us all to live by and be thankful for just such a friend who has done that for me.
I just love the snow when it is warm enough outside to go sledding, any other time and it is no fun!! We have a new roomy living with us, my little brother Derek is staying with us until Sept. when he goes to university in Lethbridge. So far it has been great although if he would just clean the downstairs bathroom all would be well, HeHe!!! What can you do, 19 year olds yikes!!! The kids are doing well in school, Kimberly is asking why she doesn't get to go to school yet and Nathan has tonsilitis again. Sorry about the spelling, not my strongest part of English in school! Not much else new in this house, back to school, work, extra cirricular activites, weight loss, band practice, cubs, cooking, cleaning, etc... Kendon is playing in a band in Taber if nobody knew and has made a awesome goal for this year to lose 50 lbs. He can totally do it, I have all the confidence in the world that he will accomplish this goal!!! GOOOOO KENDON!!!!! Talk to you all soon!
GOOOOO Kendon! lol
There is always something new & exciting going on with you guys!
I will consider you the champion of all champions if by the time your bro leaves.. he has learned to clean a bathroom w/o being asked hehe.
I too can't wait for warm water and beaches! (Although, it does seem like forever away...)
Good luck Kendon!
And, good luck Nancy with the brother - roomate thingy - you are a good woman!
welcome back to the bloggin' world! sunshine and beaches??? sounds so far away but I have HOPE that these next few months will go by fast. cute pic of nathan.
Ahhh the beach. Warmth seems like something from a dream! I can`t wait for some sunshine.
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