Saturday, August 1, 2009

Welcome to the Family!!

Here he is, our new little man!! Welcome to the world little Nathan Kent Clark!! My kids just love him they are always checking him and touching his head and kissing him! I wasn't sure how Kimberly would do but she is very protective of him and always touching his head, she will be a good big sister. In case you can't tell he is another little red head, "carrot top" as Nyles would put it. He was so excited to find out he had a brother and that he is a red head just like him. he is so cute and I am happy that he is here and that I am done being pregnant. So here is the low down. We went into the hospital at 7am Monday morning, I had a IV put in and was prepped for surgery, then we waited. Then we waited some more and some more. By 11:30am we were taken down to the surgery department of the hospital and then we, you guessed it, waited. At noon I was wheeled down to the surgery room, then the anastigeoligst gave me a spinal which froze the bottom half of my body, then surgery began and by 12:55pm little Nathan was here. The nurses took him and Kendon to the NICU to get him weighed and cleaned up and I went to recovery. He weighed a wopping 9lbs 2oz, and he was eight days early could you imagine what he would have weighed if I went overdue with him. The C-Section went really well, everyone was layed back, telling jokes, much different than the frantic need to get Kimberly out. I feel actually really good, I'm alittle sore and tired of course but overall I feel really good. Randa you were right the second C-Section was really not to bad. There you have it, I'm staying at my mom's for a little while and then coming home by mid August and then you can all see my little bundle of joy!!! See you all later!


Lisa C said...

So I'm sick and won't be coming to see Nathan. I'm so sad - he's adorable!

Stephanie said...

ahhhhhh congratulations!!
I am so glad he is finally here!!

Kristen said...

YAY!!!!! I'm SO SO excited for you! I can't wait to meet Nathan. I'm glad that Nyles has a little brother to play with now. Get better!

Joanne said...

he is even cuter in real life! you done good guys! can't wait for you to come home and I can snuggle him some more.

Kathy T. said...


I have to say, he is sooooo cute! I love that he has red hair like Nyles! What a sweetheart!

You take care of yourself! Enjoy some pampering!

Can't wait to see everyone!

Kimara said...

I am so excited for you!! I am glad that he is a little red head. I hope that you heal quickly. I can't wait to snuggle him and smell that new baby smell.

Randa said...

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Im so glad tihs one was better! Congrats on the super cute little man! CANT WAIT TO SEE HIM!

~I said...

Nancy - that is some cute baby right there!!!! I feel baby fever coming on! haha I'm so happy to hear that everything went well (despite the waiting for your early baby). But I have to know more. Seriously, the second c-section is easier? huh-what? That gives me hope. lol Give me a call when things settle down for you and we'll catch up. Congratulations!