Monday, June 29, 2009

Year End Craziness!!

So it has been a busy month. Year end PTA meetings, end of soccer games, final tests, year end field trips and clean out your desks. Kiarra played soccer this year and it was fun to help coach and watch her be on a team. She really liked playing it and is starting to get to be a good player!

Here is a action shot of her!

Nyles went on a field trip to medicine hat and on a weeks worth of little field trips. Swimming, police station, library, gymnastics club and a play day! Kiarra also went on two field trips, one to the Calgary Zoo and one to a Hutterite Colony. She loved both of them but i think she liked the zoo because Kendon got to go with her and be the bus driver!!! Here are some pictures of the trip.

Her friend

Sydney and her
in front of the

Group photo of
Kiarra's class

Then it was last day class clean out and pick up report cards and head to Lethbridge. I had a doctor's appointment and two brothers graduating! My doctors appointment went just fine see you in two weeks! Having a baby in four weeks!!!!! My brother Jeff graduated from college, paramedic now and my little brother graduated from high school, yeah!!!! One busy crazy month, I am looking forward to summer holidays except for the hugeness of being pregnant (this to shall pass - soon!) Bye for now!


Kathy T. said...

Way to go Nancy! You constantly amaze me with ALL that you do! I'm tired just thinking about it! 4 WEEKS!!! YAY!!!!

I'll miss my little bus-buddy (Kiara). She was so fun! What a super-sweet girl you got there!!!

Good luck with everything!

Randa said...

So much to do and so little time! Four weeks girl?! Sweet! You will so enjoy a scheduled c-section =)

Kimara said...

I miss griffin they had so many cool little trips. I loved the hutterite coloney! You are amazing how you just go, go,go!