Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I am alive!!!

So I am really sorry people that I haven't blogged in forever!! I am using the excuse that I am pregnant and really being a stinker, He He!!!! So news in my world?? My family ski trip was so much fun, I would post pictures but they are on my mothers camera, but I'm getting them this weekend. My kids both snowboarded and actually got really good at it, bunny hill of course, but small steps! I had fun just watching and hanging out in the cabin with the kids and Trish and my mom and dad! It was fun but still a long week, when i got home I could have slept for a week but nevertheless ( everyone love my scripture word!! ) busy life as usual, school and schedules, etc... The next weekend I went with Kiarra and Trish and Rebecca (little sis) to Edmonton, there was a buying show for Trisha's store. It was fun shopping, eating out and hotels but the weekend went by very fast with tiring walking and long driving. The trip back was awful, it took us 10 hrs to get home because the roads were awful (winter conditions) and moron drivers who act like they have never seen snow before and drive at 40 kms on the highway, IDIOTS!!!!!!

Then the next weekend I had a ultrasound, a new baby was born and my older bros turned 30!!!!! So as you can clearly see this month has been a right off for the family. Crazy weeks with school and volunteering for skating and swimming, hot lunch and homework and achievement days. i got released from my calling as YW second counsellor but no rest for the wicked and into assistant to the cubs, AWESOME!!!! It's going to be one fun calling but I have to come up with a name, anyone know who the mother wolfs name on the jungle book? The dad wolf i think is called RAZA?! AnyHo, the next two weekends are crazy to, bridal shower and bachelor parties, baby blessings and then a wedding!! I am also meeting with the specialist who is delivering my baby on the 6th of April so look out world here we go again!!! By the way the ultrasound said I'm having a boy how awesome. Just what my kids want, of course you never know, so I'm not getting rid of the girl clothes yet!!! I finally got around to getting my family pictures developed that my cousin Brittney took, it is hanging in my living room right now, finally!!!! Since everyone can't see it for themselves here are a few of the goodies!!!!! Love you all !!!!!! See you later alligator!!


Lisa C said...

Yay, a new post! (okay, I'm just excited to be checking you posts from my own home)

Kathy T. said...

Whooohooo! I'm so glad your back my wonderful bloggin' friend! Cute fam- pics too!

I know in Barnwell they had an Akala and Bagera for cubs??? (Why I have no clue - and why the jungle book???)

Good luck with the Drs. Appt. Just so you know the 4th is ALWAYS the best and easiest - no pain - yay!

Stephanie said...

GREAT pictures - they are super cute!! And you rule just because you finally blogged.. I guess I will take pregnancy as an excuse ;)
LOVE LOVE LOVE that we will be doing cubs together!!

Kimara said...

I am so excited to see you blogging again! I know how life gets away from you I haven't been blogging either and I am not prego!
I know you will do awesome in Cubs we felt really good about the calling! I love your family pictures!

Randa said...

You and stephanie will be amazing as a power cubs team! I am always for using pregnancy as an excuse about EVERYTHING so carry on =). I think bagera would be funny cause you could yell it the way baloo does =)bageeeera!!!